To book a session, visit our Counsellors page. You can browse through the profiles of our counsellors and select a counsellor, or you may fill in the Pre-booking survey and we will help you select the right counsellor.
Once you decide the counsellor, select a time slot based on the available timeslots, and make the payment to book a session.
Our fees are kept affordable, so that you can give priority to mental health. Our fees range from Rs. 295 – 395 per session of counselling. Each session of counselling lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour.
A session of counselling lasts for 45 mins to one hour. It is important to keep the time in mind while attending the counselling session so that counsellors can help you with the issues within the time.
All sessions are kept 100% anonymous and confidential.
Once you book a session, you can cancel 24 hrs before the scheduled time slot, and the full amount will be refunded to you. Else, no refund will be provided. You can reschedule the session to another available timeslot and claim the payment done.
You may reschedule a session by sending a mail to
Once the counselling session is booked and the payment is done, the counsellor will call you via phone at the scheduled time or send a you a link to a Google Meet session over whatsapp before the scheduled time.
For any inquiries or feedback, please send a mail to, and we will reach out to you as soon as possible.